Thursday, 20 May 2010

Store brand Food




I prefer the sainsbury's design as it feels more personal and basic becuase of the illustrated style.  I feel it adds quality to the range which otherise comes across through other store brands as being a bit too corporate which i feel that when looking too coroporate for value and similar ranges i feel it looks cheap in a way which ditracts the consumer from really considering buying it.

Think bike designs

I feel that the existing colours work quite well for the existing style. But i not sure on the overuse of the yellow and feel that it is something which could work if it was toned down a bit so it added contrast more where it was nessaccary. I feel that there is a need to have more impact within the designs as i feel that the current designs don't seem to get across the dangers of not watching the road properly. I feel that their is a slight inconsistancy with the images used and type choices.

Think Bike TV Adverts

Out of the three adverts i feel the bottom one is the strongest at getting across the message to be more aware on the roads primarily because of its impact and more serious and realistic tone compared to others which i feel are light on the subject

Air freshener/Keyring Designs

I don't really find these designs for air fresheners particularly influential as they aren't really that interested and the style is quite minimal. More effort seems to go into key rings though their is alot of rubbish designed ones.

Ambient Sports Ads

I like the use of the existing environment to expand an idea and i feel it improves the way someone sees a brand it begins to come across as being quite fun and a more engaging brand. I Like these but not the street signs so much as its something you can't really see to well espcially the little tag coming off the trainer stickers.

Puma Brand Guidlines

addidas posters

Addidas' style comes across as being very similar to Nike in the the way they present themselves and can see from looking at aspects of the design styles from the companies that PUMA does come across as being slightly different. I feel that PUMA wants to focus on the brand rather than the product like the other brands, especially within this brief.

Nike Posters

I like the vibrancy of the top design. The others feel empty and don't seem to get across any excitement and its the reason i didn't pursue that style as an option.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Food Packaging


After looking at some of the photos i took of the packing its clear that its inconsistent with the branding they've currently adopted. I think the designs look dated and are a bit boring.

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Pearl Fisher

The simplicity of these designs is something that i've managed to continue in my own designs and feel that it is what allows it to look somewhat more expensive.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010


Some background information on the company and the kind of style they have and the ads they produce. The adverts are based more on the trainers and clothing than the brand itself. I like the ads which involve more of the trainer such as the running track and shoe laces i think they are a bit more engaging and different.

Existing Maps

I started looking world maps and maps of the antarctic to help me get a general idea of what needed to included in the design, such as scale, contours, land height, longitude and latitude lines and title and description of the map.

Friday, 12 March 2010

box packaging

I like how the brand elements work across the various different medias.

Examples of explorer food

Unused supplies remain frozen on the shelves of their huts, preserved by the cold for 100 years.