Friday 26 February 2010

Sean Habig

Whilst there is a focus on type there isn't large amount usually on the work.

Tsun Kit Leung

These designs show again the focus on type and stock. The stock can be seen as been textured and again there is a use of gold foiling.

images showing quality

These photos by Rene Steiner reflect aspects which greatly influence the look of design with luxury. The leather furniture, with colours of red and the dark browns of the wood along with the use of gold with black on parts of the designs.


The designs with an empahsis on luxury lean towards been more typographic and its something which is going to greatly inform the direction i take within my work. As the focus of these designs seem to more on the type used, which uses type with serifs and other elements, and more on the quality of the finished print which use embossing and foiling.

Arctic Hotel Branding


These seem to have luxurious quality to the design which is something i want to show in the Fortnum and Mason brief. The quality seems to come across through the use of the black and white photos and serif fonts.  I think the stock greatly adds to the sense of luxury and quality and is something i experiment more within my own work to get the same feel when looking at it.

Some Fortnum and Mason Research

Aspects of the designs i want to keep within my own designs so it follows aspects of their design style. The simplicity they have within their designs is something which i will continue. I'm not fond of the use of the light tone of blue they use and probably go about setting up own colour scheme to use. I also feel the colours wouldn't go with the feeling of adventure. The patterns and borders are used quite a lot on their designs which i feel are main elements for creating that classic high quality look that the brand has. What is also evident from looking at the website is that they focus quite heavily on hampers which is direction i might take within the brief.

Monday 15 February 2010

Crisis Research

Many of the images relating to the homeless all seem to follow the same style and feel with each homeless person looking very similar to the other. The cardboard sign is a main element of that which could be something which i could utilise within the design as a holder for the text, then after looking back through it seems to something which could be seen as a overused design element, as many of the adverts which are associated with the homeless seem to use this.

Castrol Research

Some of the imagery i gathered whilst trying to produce ideas. I looked at some aspects of the old design styles of Castrol to see if there were any elements that could be applied to my ideas. I wanted to see what the classic styles of Posters for oil looked like as Castrol's current designs aren't very interesting to look at. I feel that the old style posters have strong aspects typographically and i feel that they are quite well laid out and i will probably be adding extra type to the designs. I also looked at some of the existing designs of Castrol and other brands and feel that they all look too alike and i want to move my idea away from that style.

Existing Crisis Mail Shots

This more conceptual approach is something i should be considering when producing the direct mail as its a bit more of a thought provoking way of getting the message across and leads towards a more interesting idea. I like the use of the bin liner to get the message across and the use of the bold type and the colour red to strongly get the message across in a direct way, plus the fact that they are free makes the audience keep them.

Tuesday 2 February 2010

M. Giesser

The clean layout of this is the kind of look i want within my crisis booklet. I like the layout used as it doesn't look cluttered, the use of red to make certain words stand out and the more typographic cover.

Rafa Jenn

Ruiz Company - Packaging

Mads Berg